Private Beta now accessible!
Question-Driven Analytics
Your Users Will Love
Let your SaaS users analyze data
by simply asking questions in plain English
Limited spots available
Already trusted by industry leaders
Why Businesses Choose Magemetrics
Because we're eliminating manual analytics requests and preventing user churn
Don't Reinvent the Wheel
Building in-house analytics is like reinventing Stripe for payments.
Focus on Your Core Product
Stop wasting time delivering analytics instead of improving your platform.
Prevent Churn and Revenue Loss
Users risk moving their workflow out of your platform for basic analytics.
Eliminate User Frustration
Users waste time trying to understand complex, pre-defined dashboards.
Meet Rising User Demands
Users expect easier solutions to gain insights for data-driven decisions.
Capture Critical Usage Data
Without in-platform user insights, you can't serve your customers.
Core Features To Improve Your Platform
Everything you need to eliminate manual analytics requests and prevent user churn
Seamless API Integration
Effortlessly embed natural language analytics into your platform, saving engineering time.
Intuitive User Experience
Delight your customers with natural, conversational analytics – instant insights without complex dashboards.
White-Label Customization
Align analytics with your brand for a native, cohesive user experience.
Reduce Support and Engineering Workload
Empower users to self-serve capabilities, decreasing support requests and increasing satisfaction.
Rapid Deployment
Launch advanced analytics features quickly without building from scratch.
Boost User Engagement
Keep users within your app by providing intuitive, conversational analytics.
Scalable Solution
Grow your analytics capabilities as your business expands without extra resources.
Maintain Data Control
Keep full control over data quality and user experience for reliable insights.
Effortless Integration into Your Platform
Embed MageMetrics seamlessly with our simple API and save valuable development time.
Ready to Transform Your Users Experience?
Don't get left behind, join the ranks of industry leaders who are redefining customer engagement with conversational analytics.
Limited spots available